Cape Kumukahi, Hawaii

Station NameStation CodeLatitudeLongitudeElevation (m)
Cape Kumukahi, HawaiiKUM19.5 °N154.8 °W3


Flask O2/N2, flask CO2, and Flask Ar/N2 data taken at Cape Kumukahi, Hawaii: Latitude 19.5°N Longitude 154.8°W Elevation 3m.

Flask O2/N2 Data

MeasurementFrequencyData FileDates
O2/N2bimonthlybimonthly_o2_kum.csv1993 - present
O2/N2monthlymonthly_o2_kum.csv1993 - present

Flask CO2 Data

MeasurementFrequencyData FileDates
CO2bimonthlybimonthly_co2_kum.csv1993 - present
CO2monthlymonthly_co2_kum.csv1993 - present

Flask Ar/N2 Data

MeasurementFrequencyData FileDates
Ar/N2bimonthlybimonthly_argon_kum.csv1993 - present
Ar/N2monthlymonthly_argon_kum.csv1993 - present

All Flask Data

MeasurementFrequencyData FileDates
All elementsbimonthlyall_bimonthly_kum.csv1993 - present

Usage Restrictions

Scripps O2 program data and graphics are licensed under a CC BY license, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which clarifies appropriate uses and requirements, including that credit be given to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Ethical usage may also require disclosing intentions at early stages to avoid duplicating ongoing studies at Scripps or elsewhere. For applications supporting peer-reviewed scientific publications, coauthorship may sometimes be appropriate. An example would be if an important result or conclusion depends on this product, such as the first account of a previously unreported phenomenon.

Please direct queries to Ralph Keeling (