Scientific Literature
2000 - 2009
On the long-term stability of reference gases for atmospheric O2/N2 and CO2 measurements, Tellus, 58B, 3-14, 2007. PDF
,Diffusive Separation of the Lower Atmosphere, Science, Vol.311, p.1429, 2006. Link
,"Atmospheric potential oxygen: New observations and their implications for some atmospheric and oceanic models", Glob. Biogeochem. Cycle, 20, 2006.
,"An improved inlet for precisely measuring the atmospheric Ar/N2 ratio", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 1181-1184, 2006.
,Global oceanic and land biotic carbon sinks from the Scripps atmospheric oxygen flask sampling network, Tellus, 58B, 95-116, 2006. PDF
,"Northern ice discharges and Antarctic warming: could ocean eddies provide the link?", Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 1809-1820, 2005.
,Comment on "The ocean sink for anthropogenic CO2", Science, 308, 2005.
,"Southern Ocean ventilation inferred from seasonal cycles of atmospheric N2O and O2/N2 at Cape Grim, Tasmania",Tellus Series B - Chem. Phys. Meteorol., 57, 218-229, 2005.
,"Measurement of changes in atmospheric Ar/N2 ratio using a rapid-switching, single-capillary mass spectrometer system", Tellus, 56B, 322-338, 2004a.
,"On the long-term stability of O2/N2 reference gases", in Report of theTwelfth WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Related Tracer Measurements, edited by D. E. Worthy and L. Huang, World Meteorological Organization, Toronto, Canada, 2004b.
,"Airborne measurements of O2/N2, Ar/N2, CO2 and other species during COBRA-NA 2003", paper presented at Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 2003.
,"Two decades of ocean CO2 sink and variability", Tellus Series B - Chem Phys. Meteorol., 55, 649-656, 2003.
,"Coastal upwelling air-sea fluxes revealed in atmospheric observations of O2/N2, CO2 and N2O", Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, art. no. 1292, 2003.
,"Interpreting the seasonal cycles of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations at American Samoa Observatory", Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, art. no. 1333, 2003.
,Shipboard measurements of atmospheric oxygen using a vacuum-ultraviolet absorption technique, Tellus Series B, 55, 857-878, 2003. PDF
,The change in oceanic O2 inventory associated with recent global warming, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99 (12), 7848-7853, 2002. PDF
,"On the freshwater forcing of the thermohaline circulation in the limit of low diapycnal mixing", Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, art. no. 3077, 2002.
,"Precessionally forced productivity variations across the equatorial Pacific", Paleooceanography, 17, art. no. 1037, 2002.
,On the global oxygen anomaly and air-sea flux, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001 Link.
,"Paleoceanography-Antarctic stratification and glacial CO2", Nature, Vol.412, p.605-606, 2001.
,The oxygen to carbon dioxide ratios observed in emissions from a wildfire in Northern California, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2413-2416, 2001. PDF
Antarctic sea ice and the control of Pleistocene climate instability, Paleoceanography, Vol.16, 112-131, 2001. PDF
,Correction to 'Antarctic sea ice and the control of Pleistocene climate instability' by Ralph F. Keeling and Britton B. Stephens, Paleoceanography, Vol.16, 330-334, 2001. PDF
,Atmospheric oxygen measurements and the carbon cycle, Global Change Institute, Proceedings on the Carbon Cycle, T.M.L. Wigley and D.S. Schimel, Eds. Cambridge University Press, New York, 124-140, 2000. BOOK CHAPTER.PDF
The mean annual cycle of the air-sea oxygen flux: a global view, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 573-584, 2000.PDF
The CO2 budget and rectification airborne study: Strategies for Measuring Recifiers and Regional Fluxes, Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles Geophysical Monograph 114, 2000. PDF
,The influence of Antarctic sea ice on glacial-interglacial CO2 variations, Nature, Vol. 404, 171-174, 2000. PDF
Partitioning of the global fossil CO2 sink using a 19-year trend in atmospheric O2, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 26, No. 13, 1897-1900. July 1, 1999. PDF
,Atmospheric oxygen concentrations at Alert Station in relation to the global carbon cycle, in Canadian Baseline Program: Summary of Progress to 1998, Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service, 5-31 to 5-34, 1999. PDF
Precise atmospheric oxygen measurements with a paramagnetic oxygen analyzer, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 13, 1107-1115, 1999. PDF
,The O2 balance of the atmosphere: a tool for studying the fate of fossil-fuel CO2, Annual Rev. Energy Environ., Vol.23, p.207-223, 1998. PDF
Seasonal variations in the atmospherice O2/N2 ration in relation to kinetics of air-sea gas exchange, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol..12, 141-163, 1998. PDF
,Methods for measuring changes in atmospheric O2 concentration and their application to southern hemisphere air, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.103, p.3381-3397, 1998. RESEARCH ARTICLE PDF
,A 400 kyr record of combustion oxygen demand in the western equatorial Pacific: Evidence for a precessionally forced climate response, Paleoceanography, Vol.13, 63-69, 1998. PDF
Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM): description of the initiative, Chemical Geology, Vol.145, p.153-159, 1998. Link
,Testing global ocean carbon cycle models using measurements of atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentration, Global Biogeochemical cycles, Vol.12, No.2, 213-230, June 1998. PDF
,Analysis of the mean annual cycle of the dissolved oxygen anomaly in the world ocean, Journal of Marine Research, Vol.55, p.117-151, 1997. PDF
Feasibility of using sand dunes as archives of old air, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.102, 16783-16792, 1997.
,Global and hemispheric CO2 sinks deduced from changes in atmospheric O2 concentration, Nature, Vol. 381, 218-221, 1996. PDF
,Fractionation of soil gases by diffusion of water vapour, gravitational settling, and thermal diffusion, Geochimica et Cosmochemica Acta, Vol.60, 1005-1018, 1996. PDF
,The atmospheric oxygen cycle: the oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO2 and O2 and the O2/N2 ratio, Reviews of Geophysics, Supplement, U.S. National Report to the IUGG 1991-1994, 1253-1262, 1995. PDF
,Transport of heat, CO2, and O2 by the Atlantic's thermohanline circulation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol.348, 133-142, 1995. PDF
,Recentvariations in atmospheric oxygen and implications for the global carbon cycle, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Global Cycles of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 235-240, 1994. EXTENDED ABSTRACT
,Heavy Carbon Dioxide, Nature, Vol. 363, 399-400, 1993. PDF
,What atmospheric oxygen measurements can tell us about the global carbon cycle, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol.7, 37-67, 1993. PDF
,On the role of large bubbles in air-sea gas exchange and supersaturation in the ocean, Journal of Marine Research, Vol 51, 237-271, 1993.PDF
,Correlations in short-term variations in atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa Observatory, Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, No.22, Summary Report 1993, J.T. Peterson, R.M. Rosson eds, Boulder, 121-123,1993, BOOK CHAPTER
,Oceanic C13 data: a new window on Co2 uptake by the oceans, Global Biogeochemical Cycles Vol.7, 353-369, 1993. PDF
,Summary of workshop on interannual variations in the carbon cycle, The Global Carbon Cycle, M. Heimann, ed., Springer Verlag, 579-581, 1993. BOOK CHAPTER
,Variations in atmospheric molecular oxygen at Mauna Loa, Climate Monitoring and diagnostics Laboratory, No.20, Summary Report 1991, E.E. Ferguson and R.M. Rosson, eds. Boulder, 103-104, 1992. BOOK CHAPTER
,Seasonal an interannual variations in atmospheric oxygen and implications for the global carbon cycle, Nature, Vol.358, 723-727, 1992. PDF
,Mechanisms for stabilization and destabilization of a simple biosphere: catastrophe on Daisyworld, Scientists on Gaia, S. Schneider and P. Boston eds., MIT press, Cambridge, Massechusetts, 118-120, 1991. BOOK CHAPTER. PDF
,1980 - 1989
Measuring correlations between atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide mole fractions: a preliminary study in urban air, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, Vol.7, 153-176, 1988. PDF